Testing Data
At Rhino Shield, designing and testing is an ongoing process. We are very proud of our testing results and believe the tests support our position as the ceramic coating leaders. Independent testing confirms our performance claims, and offers assurance to our customers that Rhino Shield will perform on their home. Please note that as independent companies, they do not endorse products; and perform tests without allegiance or bias.
Testing Summaries
BASF Testing
BASF is one of the largest and most respected chemical companies in the world. They are recognized by the slogan “We don’t make a lot of the product you buy, we make a lot of the products you buy better”. BASF has performed several rounds of testing on Rhino Shield. As you can see, Rhino-Shield excels at flexibility, tear resistance, tensile strength, and breath-ability, and viscosity. Additionally BASF perform an accelerated aging test. At the end of the test Rhino-Shield showed no visible signs of aging and was still an elastomeric product. Click here for details.
Salt Tolerance
Rhino Shield is the most salt tolerant coating on the market. This is vital in coastal areas. As the testing shows, we are in the top category of salt tolerance and even outperformed the industry standard, Rustoleum. Click here for details.
3M Microspheres
The solid materials used in Rhino Shield, including ceramic spheres, offer lower thermo-conductivity than the fillers used in traditional paint (CaCo3).
Fire & Smoke Rating
Rhino Shield has a class A fire and smoke rating. In some areas of the country prone to wildfires, buildings with a class A fire rating may qualify for a discount on their homeowners insurance. Click here for details.
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